Charlotta Curves & Helge Tallqvist Band Voodoo Woman  CD
Charlotta Curves & Helge Tallqvist Band Voodoo Woman  CD

Charlotta Curves & Helge Tallqvist Band Voodoo Woman CD

Tuotetta rajoitettu erä.
20,19 €
Sisältää alv. 25.5 %

Charlotta’s repertoire is based on strong blues, soul, funky from “Chicago ghetto”. Something different what can be heard today within the blues

Saatavuus Varastossa

Charlotta Curves is a young lady within blues, soul, funky and jazz from Finland. Despite of her young age she has performed with many bands not only in Finland but also abroad, Europe and USA. With her strong and pure voice she is also a popular/demanded lady as a background singer even internationally with big stars. With Helge Tallqvist Band Charlotta’s repertoire is based on strong blues, soul, funky from “Chicago ghetto”. Something different what can be heard today within the blues. Cause of Charlottas International experience and personality, she’s a luminous star on stage and the audience loves her. A real Voodoo Woman.   

 Voodoo Woman cd includes blues/soul/funky styled songs with strong groove. 9 out of 10 of the songs are originals by Tomi Leino and Charlotta Curves. Recorded at Tomi Leino’s famous Suprovox analalog studio. The sound is juicy tube sound. The cd is produced by Tomi Leino. The music that Charlotta Curves creates together with Helge Tallqvist Band is honest, good swinging and heart-touching- it will make your soul to dance!

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