Flight: Tiny 6 walnut- ukulele vahvistin
Flight: Tiny 6 walnut- ukulele vahvistin Flight: Tiny 6 walnut- ukulele vahvistin

Flight: Tiny 6 walnut- ukulele vahvistin

Tuotetta rajoitettu erä.
49,59 €
Sisältää alv. 25.5 %

Ladattava bluetooth vahvistin akustiselle soittimelle , esim ukulele, tai vaikka musiikin kuunteluun. kaksi kaiutinta, 2x3W, äänenvoimakkuuden säädin

Saatavuus Varastossa

Say, "Hello," to the Flight Tiny 6 Ukulele Amplifier, a fantastic piece of kit for any player with an electro-acoustic or a solid body electric ukulele. This lithium battery powered six-watt wonder fits comfortably in day packs or the front pocket of most Flight gig bags.
The small amp provides four to five hours of juice while on the beach or at home. The amp is housed in a sleek walnut-effect casing, and the amp is fully compatible with effects pedals. With the experience of playing through an amplifier, the Tiny6 will become your gateway to the stage.
Now for the real magic—the amp has Bluetooth capability, allowing it to stream audio from a mobile device. With the Tiny6, you can play along with your favorite songs.

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